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Why choose this program ?
Working in a globalized environment requires cultural sensitivity as well as an understanding of local and international operations, management, marketing and other business practices.
If your goal is to become a successful manager and working in a globalized environment, the Master International Management is the best choice you can make.
Our programme offers a comprehensive vision and knowledge of management and business.
It provides an outstanding preparation based on practical and interactive teaching methods that include experience sharing, group projects, business cases, business games and role plays. Most of the aspects of business are explored including managerial control, business strategy and marketing, operation management, business development, leadership and project management. It is a professional master’s degree focusing on career development in international business.
It offers networking opportunities with classmates from different countries and academic backgrounds and with professionals and experts. Our goal is to provide an innovative environment open to the world and to the society favourable to the acquisition and development of best practices in a responsible fashion.
Besides strong basis in international management and a real preparation for your future career, you value soft skills training… At our graduate school we believe that achievements in career are determined by a combination of soft, cognitive and technical skills and that the environment in which you study can bring a lot. We seek to offer an innovative and open-ended setting because what you are and how you interact are as important as what you know. With this strong positioning, Faculties of Lille Catholic University foster interdisciplinary and inter-master exchanges through projects.
The Faculty of Economics, Management & Sciences is one of the 5 Fac of the Catholic University of Lille.
The Catholic University of Lille is :
The FGES is :
Program :
1 AN
, deuxième année: 448
en alternance, en contrat de professionnalisation
Pour les employeurs privés : Prise en charge par les OPCO en fonction du niveau de prise en charge. Pour les employeurs publics : Nous consulter. La formation est gratuite pour l'apprenti et pour son représentant légal. L'apprenti devra toutefois s'acquitter de la CVEC (95€ pour la rentrée 2022 - 2023). En savoir plus sur le financement de la formation, contacter :
Connexion WIFI accessible à chaque apprenti Espaces collaboratifs de travail accessibles aux apprentis Vidéoprojecteur Tableau blanc Ecrans mis à disposition
Admission en Master 2 : Bac +4 , Master 1 Sciences Économiques et de Gestion, Diplôme d'école avec équivalence de 240 crédits ECTS. Niveau anglais B2 exigé.
Admission en Master 1 : être Licencié en Sciences Economiques et Gestion ou en DCG ou Diplôme d'école avec équivalence de 180 crédits ECTS. Niveau anglais B2 exigé
Validation des dossiers via la plateforme "Mon Master"
Evaluation en contrôle continu et examens sur table.
En cours de collecte
En cours de collecte
En cours de collecte
En cours de collecte
En cours de collecte
En cours de collecte
En cours de collecte
Mise à disposition d'indicateurs sur le site d'Inserjeune.
177 allée Clémentine Deman
59 000
Intitulé: Responsable Pédagogique Interlocuteur : Flambard Véronique Email: Téléphone:
Interlocuteur : Email: Téléphone: